A salary for the widow didn't exist according to the then law, thus the family must live firstly on the benefit of clemency, that was paid for the children.
Now Katharina tried to let some rooms of the monastery and to put up more boarders at the table. In no case she wanted to give up the house, how it the chancellor Brück demanded, who also suggested to the elector to take the children from the house so that they should continue their studies with teachers from outside. The antipathy of the chancellor against Mrs. Luther showed up also in the discussions with Melanchthon concerning a regulation of
the inheritance questions, whereby he not judged as rightfully the "Weibgedinge" (= thirds) bequeathed by Luther in his will . The chancellor Brück examined likewise an asking writing addressed by Katharina to the elector rejecting, with which she wanted to buy the property Wachsdorf from the funds intended for the children. Brück argued, one sees now that it was not Luther, who pushed the wish to Wachsdorf, but he was pressed by his wife. The elector he reminded of the 600 Gulden allowance for Zülsdorf and in addition still the 100 Gulden for wood; also the property Booss was leased by Katharina to an only careless interest. If she would get Wachsdorf, she would begin large building there and very lucratively this property cannot be, because the meadows are often inundated by the Elbe. She would urge the boys to live like young noblemen, instead of studying. One would have to force her to give up the large household with all the service people and to bring up the daughter in a small house.

â Luca Cranachio picta. jcon ad servatur
in Bibliotheca Senatus Lipsiensis.
Duke Moritz of Saxony has joined his forces at 30. October 1546 with the "Husser" of King Ferdinand I., then at the beginning of November he captured without a struggle Zwickau. From here he moved to Wittenberg, the center of protestantism. The University was scattered to the four winds, children and older people flew from Wittenberg in fear of siege. All kinds of troops came into the town and entrenched themselves in the fortifications.
Luther's widow yoked the car, on which was laded the bare minimum, and fled with her children and Melanchthon from the city. Also Fabian Kaufmann accompanied the car; the famulus Wolf remained with the Black Monastry to watch the house. The trip went about Dessau to Zerbst, where Melanchthon remained, forward to Magdeburg, that was overcrowded with refugees. The destitution was so great, that the family had to live from the sale of some silver, which they had taken along.
Wittenberg was besieged, but the escalade of the city was warded off. The surrounding area, where especial the Hungarian troops, the "Husser", so this troops was named, camped, was sacked and destroyed. It is not succeeded to take over the fortress. At the beginning of the year 1547 Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony besieged Leipzig, whereupon the troops were deducted from Wittenberg. Katharina Luther came back to Wittenberg.
Leipzig was shelled heavily, but not conquered. Margrave Albrecht of Brandenburg, who was allied with Moritz of Saxony, was captured by the "Schmalkaldener". Many rulers believed, that the Emperor would give within his reform plans the freedom to the protestant religion.
Troops from Spain and Italy strengthened the imperial armies, that cracked down especially on the protestant pastors and their families. Anywhere in the countries the fire flickered, especially the Hungarians were ruthless and predatory. They threatened after the conquest of Wittenberg to exhume Luther's corpse and to throw to the dogs, to strangle Melanchthon, to smash Bugenhagen and to raze the whole city to the ground.
The Saxon Elector wanted to retire to his residence Wittenberg. Near Mühlberg he ferried across the Elbe river, there he confronted the hostile forces and was hammered on 24 April 1547. The attempt of Elector Johann Friedrich to retire to his fortification Wittenberg failed. Due to the thickness and the weight of his body he must use a car, that could easily be obtained by the Hungarian fast riders. On the Lochauer Heide he was captured, as he opposed this capture, he was wounded at the left cheek. Thilo of Trotte, a friend of Duke Moritz of Saxony, could hold the enraged Hungarians, disclosed his identity to the Elector, whereon he handed over his rings to him as sign for his subjection. Duke Alba came along and transferred the prisoner to the Emperor.
The message of this defeat spread quickly in Wittenberg. Again Catherine took flight into an uncertain future. She could not longer expect anything from her Elector, he was fated to die by the Emperor. Also the Landgrave Philipp of Hesse subjected to the Emperor after the defeat of Mühlberg in Halle and came in captivity. Wolf of Creutzen was as colonel in the besieged city and had his residence in the monastry.
Together with Melanchthon as well as the Major family with their ten children they went firstly to Wernigerode. Here the refugees were admitted in the "Gothic House" of the "Rentmeister" (= bursary officer) of the Duke of Stolberg, Reifenstein. He was married with Barbara Meme from Hettstedt, a sister of Jacob Luther's housewife, the brother of the Reformator. The son of this marriage, Wilhelm Reifenstein, was till to the death of D. Martin Luther his famulus. He made shortly before the death of the Reformer a final drawing of him. One suspects, that Melanchthon has written the headline: "In my life, I was a plague for you, after my dying my death shall put you over the edge, Oh Pope!"
After they have stayed some days in Wernigerode they continued their getaway to Helmstedt, where they were accommodated generously by the city council.
As a result of the catholic reactions the Lutherans were not accommodated everywhere like guests. Because they feared a renewed attack on the remained, smashed forces of the Elector, that had trooped near Magdeburg, the trip went on to Brunswick.
Here the families were accommodated by the Lutheran abbot. Katharina wished to go to Denmark to her still remained benefactor King Christian III. But Melanchthon was afraid of doing this journey, because due to the water one could be flooded and drowned. Melanchthon went to Nordhausen, he had been invited by the mayor. Major went with his family to his former homecity Nuremberg. Yet Luther's widow came with her children only shortly before Gifhorn, were many forces were trooped, therefore Duke Franz sent back the family to Brunswick.
In May 1547 Wittenberg was occupied by the imperial arm. Emperor Carl V. and King Ferdinand I. rode in front of the castle church and rendered homage to the grave of D. Martin Luther. The Emperor banned any desecration of the memory of the Reformer, furthermore he didn't allow foreign soldiers to enter the city. He has pardoned Elector Johann Friedrich from the death penalty due to the intercessions of the Elector of Brandenburg and of Duke Moritz of Saxony, the cousin of Johann Friedrich. He allowed his spouse and his both sons to go free and undamaged to Thuringia.
On 4 June 1547 Duke Moritz in the camp on the "Bleseric Lawn" in front of Wittenberg has got the promised position of palatine elector by the Emperor. The City and the University of Wittenberg rendered homage to its new Elector. So the mayor Reiter and Bugenhagen call on Katherina to come back to Wittenberg. On july the family moved in again the Black Monastry, that was undestroyed. Their old famulus and loyal servant Wolf was died in the meantime. Many buildings and fields of the Manor Wachsdorf, located in front of Wittenberg, were destroyed by the troops and had to build up newly and to plough up. Only a poor first harvest could be made in the autumn.
The university system, that worked in the year of the war only provisionaryly, began to work again normally. Melanchthon, and most professors returned to Wittenberg. Also Lucas Cranach remained in Wittenberg, but he was released by the Elector, because he refused to relocate to Weimar. The halls and rooms of Luther's house now were used for lectures. Step by step boarders came back into the house too, and some rooms could be let. Christian of Denmark continued to benefit Luther's family with 50 thalers. The family could not live only by boarding, wherefore was paid for every week with drinking 14 "Groschen" , without drinking only 5 "Groschen".
Also in Mansfeld, the war had its effects. Jacob Luther, the brother of the reformer, become 1547 "Faktor" (=manager) of the silverworks, as well as of the "Putzkental" and of the "Eichhütte".
Because of the neccessary supply with lead he oriented himself to the mining near Goslar, where he conducted finally a fused lead bath (Kiefhütte") westwards of the city. His son Martin has finished his studies in Wittenberg and has returned to Mansfeld. From here he went likewise to Goslar and acquired there in the city a house at the "Markt Pfarre" (market rectorate).
So it came to the actual challenge of Luther's testament, whereupon the chancellor Gregory Brück has suggested to the elector that the 2000 gulden agreed by contract should be rated with 100 gulden interest, but only for the children. The elector shall provide the mother and the children with severally guardians, which separate carefully the belongings of the widow and of the orphans. Then the guardians have to decide, whereof the children should be provided with alimony; one should send best the older son to the chambers of Torgau, so that he would be something, because if the Electoral would provide him with a scholarship to continue his studies, it would be difficult to cancel again. The daughter could remain with the mother, and gain a pension of 30 or 40 gulden from the 2000 gulden, but her clothes from the Mansfeld funds. In this way the lavish housekeeping of the wife would be broken and it would be avoided, that the children grow up as 'donzels' and as a snobbish 'princess', because she has free housing, income from Zülsdorf and gardens, she could brew and could obtain a part of the interest of Mansfeld. The Captain of Wittenberg, Asmus Spiegel, may determine about Wachsdorf.
However the Duke Albrecht of Prussia pleaded for the widow: In the same way we have loved the doctor in his life, we owe to his orphans in return for his services a gratification inclusive of his widow.
The friend of the Luther Family, the personal physician of the elector, Dr. Ratzeberger now submitted a request to buy Wachsdorf for the children to the elector. The elector, whom was not hidden the venom and the antipathy of the proposals of his chancellor, called Katharina, for the children to appoint guardians, that then have to decide about the purchase of the estate.
Catherine Luther thanked in a letter for the first benefits of the Elector, and proposed to him as guardians for the children the respective town major of Wittenberg, the reformator's brother Jacob and her brother Hans von Bora, and the mayor Reiter, Melanchthon and the personal physician Dr. Ratzeberger. She was agreed, that the 1500 gulden of the electoral donations shall be invested for Wachsdorf, the remaining amount of 500 gulden should later be paid out of the daughter
The chancellor spoke against Melanchthon as guardian, because he was pious, kind and weak, but it would be necessary to make opposition to the woman. He doesn't objected to Caspar Cruziger, who now was rector of the univerity. But Käthe didn't accepted him, because there had been tensions still in the lifetime of the Reformator betweeen him and the Luther-Family.
Elector Johann Friedrich accepted the nominations of the widow, but he appointed Cruziger as deputy for Dr. Ratzeberger, because he would be available only for the most important matters. Also the Elector confirmed Luther's testament, although it was de jure insufficient, so that his will and the widow dower shall observed steadfastly by the nominated guardians. At the same time he provided the surving members of the family with his specific personal protection.
The guardians Ratzeberger, Reiter and Jacob Luther now buyed from the cosmographer Professor Sebald Münster the fief Wachsdorf with nearly 80 hectare at the price of 2220 gulden for the three sons of the Reformator. The chancellor carried the 2000 gulden from the Elector, and Katharina affirmed to cultivate such estates for her children faithfully and assiduously. So that for the management more money would be available, Jacob Luther attempted to get an early payment of a partial amount in Mansfeld.
The eldest son of the Reformator, the 20 years old Johannes Luther, has took over the task as patriarch and took great care of the concerns of his siblings. The elector offered him to be employed in his chambers or to continue his studies. After that Johannes wrote, that he understand surely, that an employment in the Elector's chambers would be a very honorable service, yet that his dear father didn't had wished, that he aborted school. Therefore I like to study longer. And if I succeed in study, I would like to finish my studies. After this if your Serene Highness would like to employ me, I would appreciate to be your servant. So Johannes continued his study "in Artibus"; the both younger brothers were instructed furthermore by Ambrosius Rutfeld. Martin tended to be a theologian like his father; Paul was ailing and possessed a praticular talent for music. The request, now both to give to a magister in the town, refused the mother. By all the foreign people they could hook rather with the wrong crowd than in the own house.
So for the children of the reformator a noble entailed estate was ensured. Katharina trys for the cultivation of Wachsdorf, which is situated right beyond the bridge of the Elbe river in the parish Pratau; she expanded again the boarding for students and visitors of the university, wherewith the necessary cash budget came into the house. Also the old famulus Wolf remained in the house, but he made himself comfortable and liked that best to take only great care of his aviculture.
Katharina's brother Hans von Bora wasn't nominated as guardian for the children of Luther too. He was feoffed just before by the Saxon Elector with a manor near Crimmitschau for a very low amount. Therefore he was very busy to build up again an appropriate estate for the old family.
The devil stirs his tiny soup, Luther said once and called in the future by his "caution for the beloved Germans". From this call for peace Melanchthon in the summer of 1546 triggered a new issue.
The unity of the Empire with its independant principalties was divided, the inner peace was protected only by conflicts and wars of the emperor outwards. By a peace agreement with France Emperor Carl V. could turn again to the inner problems of the Empire. In religious matters, he wanted not necessarily to restore the Catholic faith, but the reform of a new, cleaned "Imperial Church". Even Pope Paul III. pleaded for a revision of religious deplorable circumstances. Yet he converged partially towards the protestantism, but he refused all programs, that the Emperor aimed for the Empire.
The princedom and the other empire classes, that were allied in the "Schmalkaldischer Bund", didn't want to move away from its protestantism, didn't want to subordinate to the "Imperial Church", that was aspired by the emperor. Both parties were convinced by the justice of its matter, which were brought in public pamphlets to the intellectual debate. Elector's Saxony and Hesse were the leading authorities in the "Schmalkaldischer Bund". Because of their disobedience the emperor imposed on Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony and the count Philip of Hesse the ban of the Empire. Thereupon the Schmalkaldener campaigned with a 100 000 men army against their enemies.
But Moritz, Duke of Saxony, rather attached to the protestantism, confederated with the Emperor, who promised him for it the position of palatine elector for whole Saxony. The Duke of Saxony invaded with his troops Elector's Saxony, whereupon the Schmalkaldener have retired their forces, which were standing against the imperial troops at the Danube near Ingolstadt, to Elector's Saxony. |