The high stands at the beginning of a syllable e.g. |
but also in
the connections
  ,  ,
 ,  .
In polysyllabic words stands at the syllable end , e.g.
The reading in old parish registers
part 1
Up to the center 20. Century has the history of the handwriting in the German linguistic area with different alphabets - of different languages (e.g. German, latin, Greek) in the parallel or simultaneous use - led to different results.
We must therefore learn a whole set of kinds of handwriting to read. I think, we catch once completely simply at with exercises to the Sütterlin writing and are not, as in text books usual, with essays over the writing development. |
Exercise 1: |
Look down the ordered alphabet exactly. Afterwards you get an unordered alphabet, which you have to arrange. The letters can be moved with the mouse. Arrange both the small and the capital letters alphabetically.
Hide before the arranged alphabet and then to control your result show it again. For this reason you shouldn't sort on the place of the arranged alphabet, but use the place down.
Hide the alphabet
Show the alphabet |
Use this free space here to file meantime your letters. |
You should repeat this exercise, if you have made errors. In the next exercise I ask you for single letters to recognize without their
Exercise 2: |
If you click down on start, then you see a letter in Sütterlin handwriting. You determine it. If you click the Sütterlin letters, right beside it the transcription appears. |
With the triangles you move in the letter sequence forward or backwards. |
Das lange steht am Beginn einer Silbe, z.B. |
    ,     , aber auch in |
den Lautverbindungen   ,  ,  ,  . |
In mehrsilbigen Wörtern steht am Silbenende , |
z.B.       ,        |
       ,        |
h |
M |
Ende! Auf Start klicken! |
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